The Nerd In Me (Books)

June 14, 2022

My amazing mom sent me out on a personal recovery excursion this morning. It was one that I truly found joy in every way possible and grabbed a few ideas for me to work on. You see if I do not have 100 multiple things going on, I do not feel like I am truly happy and moving in the direction I want my life to take.

So I was walking around for the first 40 minutes trying to figure out what I was really going to do for the day. Do I grab a magazine and read it? Do I just grab a coffee and hop on my computer? What about my new planner I bought, do I just fill it in with all the dates I will probably forget and not really ever look at? Then it occurred to me....I snap pictures of things that catch my attention and books I have found joy in.

So that is what I did. I hope that I keep this new idea up with what popped into my head and write a post about a book each day. You see I love to read, but honestly I have to been in the mood to read. By this I do not mean, the mood in waiting for the time that I really wanna read. It is more like when my ADHD allows me to sit down and read. Maybe this is why I have multiple projects going on, I don't know.

Anyhow, here are a few items that I thought were just extra cool (maybe book related, but not actual books).